副业英语的几种表达 跨境电商英语怎么表达的

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Cross-border e-commerce


1. Cross-border e-commerce

2. International online retailing

3. Global e-tailing

4. Cross-border online shopping

5. Transnational e-commerce

6. Borderless e-commerce

7. International e-commerce trading

8. Cross-border digital commerce

9. Cross-border internet retailing

10. International online marketplace.




1. 定义:跨境电商可以用英语表述为Cross-border e-commerce或International e-commerce,指的是在不同国家或地区进行的跨境网络贸易活动。

2. 目的:英语表达可以描述跨境电商的目的是通过网络平台,实现商品、服务以及资金的跨境流通和交易,让消费者能够足不出户购买全球商品。

3. 市场规模:针对跨境电商的市场规模,可以用英语表达为Market size of cross-border e-commerce,预计未来几年市场规模将继续扩大。



As an accountant, it is important to have a clear understanding of how to express accounts receivable in English. Accounts receivable, also known as invoices or bills receivable, are a crucial part of any business's financial transactions. Here are some key phrases and expressions to keep in mind when dealing with accounts receivable in English:

1. Accounts Receivable: This is the most common phrase used to refer to money owed to a business by its customers or clients.

2. Invoice: This is a document sent to a customer or client detailing the goods or services they have received and the payment due. It is usually sent after the goods or services have been provided.

3. Bill Receivable: This is a written promise to pay a specific amount of money on a specific date. It is often used in trade transactions where payment is deferred.

4. Due Date: This is the date on which payment is due for an invoice or bill receivable.

5. Aging Report: This report shows the amount of money owed to the business and how long the accounts receivable have been outstanding. It is used to monitor the health of the business's accounts receivable.

6. Credit Terms: These are the payment terms agreed upon between the business and its customers. They may include payment due dates, payment methods, and any discounts or penalties for early or late payment.

When expressing accounts receivable in English, it is important to use clear and concise language. Avoid using overly technical terms or jargon that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Be sure to provide context and explanations where necessary to ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand.

In conclusion, understanding how to express accounts receivable in English is crucial for any accountant or business professional. By using the key phrases and expressions outlined above, you can effectively communicate with your colleagues, clients, and customers about these important financial transactions.









标签: 副业 电商 跨境 跨境电商 英语

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