速卖通新品多久有曝光 速卖通新品如何优化

作者: 用户投稿 阅读:114 点赞:0





1. 商品标题优化


2. 商品图片优化


3. 产品描述优化




1. 登录速卖通卖家后台,打开“产品管理”页面;

2. 点击“发布新产品”按钮;

3. 在新建产品页面中,填写产品的基本信息,包括标题、描述、类目、价格、库存等;

4. 在“产品标签”下拉框中选择“新品”;

5. 点击“保存”按钮,完成产品的创建。


1. 新品标识的使用期限为90天,90天后需要重新设定;

2. 如果取消新品标识,再次设置需要等待24小时后才能生效;

3. 新品标识只对卖家和会员用户显示,不会影响搜索排名和推广效果;

4. 为了确保产品质量,速卖通对于新品标识的使用有一定限制,例如新品必须是全新的、符合规定的等。



1. 免费试用:商家会在新品上线时提供免费试用的机会,让消费者可以在的情况下尝试产品,并提供反馈。

2. 限时申请:商家会设置申请时间,通常为一周左右。消费者需要在规定时间内提交试用申请。

3. 抽选获得:商家会从申请者中随机抽选一部分人,让他们获得免费试用的机会。通常商家会在申请结束后一个月左右公布获奖名单。

4. 提供评价:获得试用机会的消费者需要在试用产品后提供评价。商家会根据评价情况决定是否与消费者进一步合作。

5. 消费者优先:商家会通过这种方式优先考虑消费者的需求和反馈,不断改进产品,并提供更好的购物体验。



Speed sell pass (SpeedSell) is an online e-commerce platform that allows merchants to sell products to consumers around the world. As a merchant on SpeedSell, you need to set up your store and product listings to successfully sell your products. Here are the steps to set up your SpeedSell store:

1. Register an account: To become a seller on SpeedSell, you need to register for an account. You'll need to provide personal information and business details, such as your business name, address, and tax ID, if applicable.

2. Create a store: Once you've registered, you can create your store. You need to choose a store name and logo, and set up your store policies, such as shipping and return policies.

3. List your products: After setting up your store, you can start listing your products. You'll need to provide product descriptions, images, and prices. You should also choose relevant categories and tags to make it easier for buyers to find your products.

4. Manage your inventory: As you add products to your store, you need to keep track of your inventory. You can set up inventory tracking to automatically update your inventory when a product is sold, or you can manually update your inventory levels.

5. Set up your payment and shipping options: To sell on SpeedSell, you need to set up your payment and shipping options. You can use SpeedSell's payment system or choose a third-party payment processor. You also need to decide which shipping options to offer, such as standard shipping or expedited shipping.

6. Promote your store: Finally, you need to promote your store to attract customers. You can use SpeedSell's advertising platform or social media to reach potential buyers.

Overall, setting up a SpeedSell store requires attention to detail and a focus on providing a positive customer experience. By following these steps and continually improving your store, you can succeed as a merchant on SpeedSell.


标签: 速卖通 优化 多久 新品 曝光

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